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For WPBakery Page Builder Users

We are going to make the below sections with different page builder elements.

Section 01

Section Title: Stats

Page Builder Element: LPRO Stats

For this, we need LPRO Stats Element

Please go to your WordPress admin dashboard and Edit your desired page with WPBakery page builder and create a new section and then follow the below steps

Step 1:  Add LPRO Stats Element

  1. Set these details if you want this as like on the demo
    1. First Stat Number: 100
    2. First Stat Unit: YRS
    3. First Stat Details: Of matching people to attorneys
    4. Second Stat Number: 98
    5. Second Stat Unit: %
    6. Second Stat Details: Lawyers listed are verified
    7. Third Stat Number: 10
    8. Third Stat Unit: M
    9. Third Stat Details: Monthly visit our network
    10.  Fourth Stat Number: 100
    11. Fourth Stat Unit: +
    12. Fourth Stat Details: Practice areas covered 
  2. Text-Color: #9da3be

Step 2: Row Setting:

  1. Row Type: Full-width center content
  2. Background-color: #282d41


Section 02

Section Title: Our Top Rated Lawyers

Page Builder Element: LPRO Listings Posts

For this, we need LPRO Listings Posts Element

Step 1:     Add LPRO Listings Posts Element

  1. Show listings: 6
  2. Edit the Row and set the below properties.
    1. Row Title: Our Top Rated Lawyers
    2. Row Description: Popular Exclusive Listings In Our Directory
    3. Title Color: #1a1b1b
    4. Row Type: Full Width- Center content
  3. Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and add Margin-Top: 70px


Section 03

Section Title: How It Works

Page Builder Element: LPRO Columns

For this, we need LPRO Columns Element

Step 1: Add LPRO Columns Element

Step 2: Row Setting:

  1. Row Title: How it works
  2. Row Description: It’s easy to find and book a lawyer and also to share your experience.
  3. Row-Type: Full Width Center content
  4. Background-color: #282d41
  5. Extra Class: dark-bg

Step 3: Columns Setting:

  1. Margin-Top: 70px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 70px


Section 04


Element Title: Browse Attorneys

Element Name in the Page builder: LPRO Listings taxonomies

For this, we need LPRO Listings taxonomies Elements

Step 1:  Add LPRO Listings taxonomies Element

  1. Select your desired Locations, Practice area, Legal topics, and Features.

Step 2:  Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Browse Attorneys
  2. Row Description: Find Your Attorney By Different Types
  3. Title Color: #1a1b1b
  4. Row Type: Full Width- Center content

Step 3:  Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 70px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 70px


Section 05

Page Builder Element: LPRO Activities

For this, we need LPRO Activities Element

Step 1: Add the LPRO Activities Element.

  1. Activities to show: 6

Step 2:  Row Setting:

  1. Row-Type: Full Width Center content
  2. Background image: Blue ( In the Media )
  3. Extra Class: dark-bg

Step 3: Columns Setting:

  1. Margin-Top: 70px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 70px


Section 06

Element Title: From Our Blogs

Element Name in the Page builder: LPRO Blogs Posts

For this, we need LPRO Blogs Posts Element

Step 1: Add LPRO Blogs Posts Element

Step 2: Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: From Our Blogs
  2. Row Description: See Services in These Cities
  3. Title Color: #1a1b1b
  4. Row Type: Center

Step 3:  Edit the Column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below properties.

  1. Margin-Top: 70px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 70px


Section 07

Section Title: Featured In

Page Builder Element: LPRO Partners

For this, we need LPRO Partners and LPRO Single Logo Element

Step 1:  Add LPRO Partners Element

Step 2:  Append the new Element LPRO Single Element Logo

  1. Add your logo in the image section

Step 4:  Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Featured In
  2. Row Type: Full Width Center content
  3. Background Color: #282d41

Step 5:  Edit the Column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below properties.

  1. Margin-Top: 70px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 70px



You have created your LawyersPro demo with WPBakery successfully