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For WPBakery Page Builder Users

We are going to make the below sections with different page builder elements.

Section 01


Section Title: Top Services Providers

Page Builder Element: WPRO Listing Posts

For this, we need WPRO Listing Posts Element

Please go to your WordPress admin dashboard and Edit your desired page with WPBakery page builder and create a new section and then follow the below steps

Step 1:    Add WPRO Listing Posts Element

  1. Show listings: 3
  2. Listings Type: Ads Listings

Step 2:  Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Top Services Providers
  2. Row Description: Popular Exclusive Listings In Our Directory
  3. Title Color: #1a1b1b
  4. Row Type: Full Width- Center content
  5. Background Color: #f4f9f9

Step 2:   Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 02


Section Title: All Wedding Vendor Categories

Page Builder Element: WPRO Categories

For this, we need WPRO Categories Element

Step 1:  Add WPRO Categories Element

  1. Select your desired Categories

Step 2: Edit the row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: All Wedding Vendor Categories
  2. Row Description: Easily find an expert for any part of your wedding
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center content

Step 3:  Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 03


Section Title: Featured Wedding Venues

Page Builder Element: WPRO Listing Posts

For this, we need WPRO Listing Posts Element

Step 1:  Add WPRO Listing Posts Element

  1. Listings to show: 3
  2. Listing Type: Recent Listings

Step 2: Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Featured Wedding Venues
  2. Row Description: Leading North East Wedding Venues that are worth exploring further
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center content
  4. Background Color: #f4f9f9

Step 3:   Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 04


Section Title: Explore our services by Cities

Page Builder Element: WPRO Locations

For this, we need WPRO Locations Element

Step 1: Add WPRO Locations Element

  1. Select your desired Locations

Step 2: Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Explore our Services by Cities
  2. Row Description: See Services In These Cities
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center content

Step 3:  Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 50px


Section 05


Section Title: Testimonials

Page Builder Element: WPRO Activities

For this, we need WPRO Activities Element

Step 1:  Add WPRO Activities Element

  1. Select your desired Locations

Step 2: Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Testimonials
  2. Row Description: Popular Exclusive Listings In Our Directory
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center content

Step 3:   Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 06


Section Title: News & Tips

Page Builder Element: WPRO Blogs

For this, we need WPRO Blogs Element

Step 1:  Add WPRO Blogs Element

  1. Blogs to show: 3

Step 2:  Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: News & Tips
  2. Row Description: Checkout latest news and articles from our blog
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center Content

Step 3:   Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 07


Section Title: How It Works

Page Builder Element: WPRO Columns

For this, we need WPRO Columns Element

Step 1:   Add WPRO Columns Element

  1. Add your columns icons if missing

Step 2:   Edit the row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: How IT Works
  2. Row Description: Our goal is to make your journey easy.
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center Content
  4. Background Color: #f4f9f9

Step 3:    Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 08


Section Title: Wedding Venues by States

Page Builder Element: WPRO Locations

For this, we need WPRO Locations Element

Step 1:Add WPRO Locations Element

  1. Select your desired Locations
  2. Style: Name Only

Step 2:  Edit the row and set the below properties.

  1. Row Title: Wedding Venues by States
  2. Row Description: Popular Exclusive Listings In Our Directory
  3. Row Type: Full Width- Center Content

Step 3:   Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px


Section 09


Element Title: Are you a Pet Vendor?

Element Name in the Page builder: WPRO Call to Action

For this, we need WPRO Locations Element

Step 1:  Add WPRO Call to Action Element

Step 2:  Edit the Row and set the below properties.

  1. Background color: #f4f9f9

Step 3:   Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 20px


Section 10


Section Title: Our Famous Partners

Page Builder Element: WPRO Partners

For this, we need WPRO Partners and WPRO Single Logo Element

Step 1:  Add WPRO Partners Element

Step 2:  Append the New Element WPRO Single Element Logo

  1. Add your Logo in the Image section

Step 3:   Edit the row and set the below properties.

  2. Row Type: Full Width- Center Content
  3. Backgrund Color: #28b5bb

Step 4:  Edit the column and go to the Design Option tab and select the below details.

  1. Margin-Top: 40px
  2. Margin-Bottom: 40px



You have created your WeddingPro demo with WPBakery successfully