For Elementor Page Builder Users
We are going to make the below sections with different page builder elements.
Section 01
Page Builder Element: DPro Partners Element
For this, we need DPro Partners Element
Please go to your WordPress admin dashboard and Edit your desired page with Elementor page builder and create a new section and then follow the below steps
Section Setting
- Create a section and then edit the section
- Click on the Style tab and set these properties
- Background: Normal
- Background Type: Classic
- Color: #EAF0F9
- Shape Divider: Custom
- Type: Tilt Opacity
- Width: 100
- Height: 75
- Flip: Yes
- Click on the Advanced tab and add Padding-Bottom: 75px
Step 1: Add the DPro Partners Element
- Add your partner’s logo and if you want to add more then click on add new items or click on the copy icon.
- Click on the Style tab: Uppercase
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Padding-Top: 25px
- Padding-Bottom: 100px
Section 02
Section Title: DRIVE BY STYLE
Page Builder Element: Listing Category
For this, we need Heading + Text Editor and Listing Category Elements
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to DRIVE BY STYLE
- Font: Bold
- Size: XXL
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set these properties.
- Font Family: Abril Fatface
- Font weight: Bold
- Transform: Uppercase
- Style: Italic
Step 2: Add Text Editor
- Change the text to Explore the world’s largest automotive marketplace
- Font: Bold
- Go to the Style tab and Align: Center
- Text color to #000000
- Click on Typography and set these properties.
- Font family: Roboto
- Font size: 18px
Step 3: Add the Listing Category Element in the same section
- Category style: Boxed View 2
- Select your desired Categories.
Section 03
Section Title: How it Works
Page Builder Element: DPro How it Works
For this, we need Heading + Text Editor and DPro How it Works Elements
Section Setting
- Create a section and then edit the section
- Click on the Style tab and set these properties
- Background: Normal
- Background Type: Classic
- Color: #EAF0F9
- Shape Divider: Click on Top
- Type: Tilt Opacity
- Width: 100
- Height: 75
- Flip: Yes
- Click on Bottom
- Type: Fan Opacity
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Margin-Top: 50px
- Padding-Top: 100px
- Padding-Bottom: 150px
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to HOW IT WORKS
- Size: XL
- Html tag: H3
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set Font Family: Abril Fatface
Step 2: Text Editor
- Change the text to If You Give People The Opportunity To Do The Right Thing, You’ll Rarely Be Disappointed
- Font: Bold
- Go to the Style tab and Align Center
- Change the text color to #7A7A7A
- Click on Typography and set the Font family: Roboto
Step 2: Add the DPro How it Works Element in the same section
- Add the Step 1, step 2, and step 3 images ( If missing )
Section 04
Section Title: Browse By
Page Builder Element: DPro Listing Taxonomies
For this, we need Heading and DPro Listing Taxonomies Elements
Section Setting
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Margin-Top: 50px
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to Browse By
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set the Font Family: Abril Fatface
Step 2: Add the DPro Listing Taxonomies Element in the same section
- Select your desired Locations, Type, Make, and Experiences.
Section 05
Section Title: Top Picks for You
Page Builder Element: Listing Posts by ID
For this, we need Heading + Text Editor and Listing Posts by ID Element
Section Setting
- Create a section and then edit the section
- Click on the Style tab and set these properties
- Background: Normal
- Background Type: Classic
- Color: #EAF0F9
- Shape Divider: Click on Top
- Type: Mountains
- Width: 199
- Height: 149
- Click on Bottom
- Type: Fan Opacity
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Padding-Top: 136px
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to Top Picks For You
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set the Font Family: Abril Fatface
Step 2: Text Editor
- Change the text to If You Give People The Opportunity To Do The Right Thing, You’ll Rarely Be Disappointed
- Font: Bold
- Go to Style tab and Align Center
- Change the text color to #7A7A7A
- Click on Typography and set the Font family: Roboto
Step 2: Add the Listing Posts by ID Element in the same section
- Select the below properties
- Layout: Grid View
- Layout style: Grid Style 2
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Margin-Bottom: 25px
Section 06
Section Title: What Do They Say?
Page Builder Element: Testimonials
For this, we need Heading + Image + Testimonials and Again Image Elements
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to What Do They Say?
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set these properties.
- Font Family: Abril Fatface
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Margin-top: 50px
- Margin-Bottom: 50px
- Margin-Right: 50px
- Margin-Left: 50px
Section Setting
- Create a new section with 3 columns then edit the section
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Margin-Top: 60px
Step 2: Add an image Element in the first column and add the image.
- Go to style tab and select the below properties
- Border-Top: 10px
- Border-right: 10px
- Box shadow: Color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Margin-Bottom: -19px
- Border tab: Box shadow color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)
Step 2: Add the Testimonials Element in the same column
- Add the content according to your project.
- Add the client’s image name and title.
- Image position: Top
- Align: Center
- Go to Style tab and Text color: #7A7A7A
- Font size: 13px
- Style: Italic
- Click on the Advanced tab > and set these properties
- Padding-Top: 50px
- Padding-Bottom: 50px
- Padding-Right: 50px
- Padding-Left: 50px
- Border tab > Border radious
- Bottom: 10
- Left: 10
Step 3: Add the image element in the same column
- Add your brand logo
- Image size: Full
- Go to Style tab and add Width: 18px
- Box shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
Please complete the other two columns like this
Section 07
Page Builder Element: Images
For this, we need four Image Elements
Section Setting
- Create a new section with 4 columns then edit the section
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Margin-Top: 100px
Step 1: Add an image Element in the first column and add the image.
- Go to the Style tab and select the below properties
- Width: 50px
- CSS Filters: Brightness 50
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Margin-Top: 15px
Repeat this step, 3 more times with the same settings
Section 08
Section Title: Auto Industry Trends
Page Builder Element: Blog Grids
For this, we need Heading and Blog Grids Elements
Section Setting
- Create a section and then edit the section
- Click on the Style tab and set these properties
- Background: Normal
- Background Type: Classic
- Color: #EAF0F9
- Shape Divider: Click on Top
- Type: Tilt Opacity
- Flip: On
- Click on Bottom
- Type: Clouds
- Invert: On
- Brings to Front: On
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Margin-Top: 100px
- Padding-Top: 150px
- Padding-Bottom: 153
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to Auto Industry Trends
- Size: Large
- HTML tag: H3
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set the Font Family: Abril Fatface
Step 1: Add the Blog Grids Element
Section 09
Section Title: Frequently Asked Questions
Page Builder Element: DPRO FAQ
For this, we need Heading and DPRO FAQ Elements
Section Setting
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Margin-Top: 57px
- Margin-Bottom: 57px
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to Frequently Asked Questions
- Size: Large
- HTML tag: H3
- Align: Center
- Go to the Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set the Font Family: Abril Fatface
Section Setting:
- Create a new section with Two Columns
Step 2: Add the DPRO FAQ Element in the first column
- Add your Question and answers according to you.
Step 3: Add the DPRO FAQ Element in the Second column
- Add your Question and answers according to you
Section 10
Car Section
Section Title: It’s a smooth ride with us.
Page Builder Element: DPRO Columns
For this, we need an image + Heading and DPRO Columns Elements
Step 1: Add an image Element in the new section
- Add the pink color car image from the Media
- Click on the Advanced tab and set these properties
- Margin-Bottom: -35px
- Margin-Left: 193px
Section Setting
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Padding-Top: 150px
Step 1: Add Heading Element
- Change the text to It’s a smooth ride with us.
- Size: Large
- HTML tag: H3
- Align: Center
- Go to Style tab and change the text color to #1F2B59
- Click on Typography and set these properties.
- Font Family: Abril Fatface
- Click on the Advanced tab and set the Margin-Bottom: 50px
Step 2: Add the DPRO Columns Element
- Add First, second and third columns icons ( if missing )
Section 11
Page Builder Element: DPRO Stats
For this, we need the DPRO Stats Element
Section Setting
- Create a section and then edit the section
- Click on the Style tab and set these properties
- Background: Normal
- Background Type: Classic
- Color: #FF7300
Step 1: Add DPro Stats Element
- Edit the element and Text color: #FFFFFF
You have created your DPRO demo with Elementor successfully