Home › Home › Hospital › How can you include the new hospital if the desire....
  • Medpro allows users to add a new hospital if it’s not in the existing list.
  • To do this, the user can go to “Add Listing,” located at the top of the right side of the window.
  • Add your details.
  • In the “Hospital” tab, Click on add new and then “Suggest a Hospital/Clinic.”
  • Add details of the hospital, including location, fees, business hours, and other relevant information.
  • Select the speciality of the hospital.
  • Choose the languages spoken at the hospital.
  • Include any extra features or services offered.
  • Provide a description of the hospital.
  • Finally, save and preview your data to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Status of your listing is showing pending.
  • Now new listing is added by admin side.
  • Admin will review and verify all the details and add newly suggested hospital by user.
  • Admin will add all the required information of the suggested hospital from admin side.
  • Now new suggested hospital is added in the given list.