This article follows the order from the default email management that you can find by simply going to Theme Options > Email Management
New Registered User
%user_login_register = username of the registered user.
%user_pass_register = the password of the registered user.
%user_email_register = the email address used by the registered user
Submit Listing
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
Purchase Activated
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%plan_title = the name of the plan used in the pricing plans.
%plan_price = the price of the plan used in the pricing plan.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
%payment_method = the payment method that the listing was bought.
%invoice_no = the registered number for the invoice.
Review Reply
%review_reply_text = the reply to one of the reviews of a business listing.
Approved Listing
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%plan_title = the name of the plan used in the pricing plans.
%plan_price = the price of the plan used in the pricing plan.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
%payment_method = the payment method that the listing was bought.
%invoice_no = the registered number for the invoice.
Expired Listing
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%website_url = the domain URL of your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
Expired Ad Campaign
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%website_url = the domain URL of your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
Wire Invoice
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
%invoice_no = the registered number for the invoice.
Claim Listing ( submission )
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%website_url = the domain URL of your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
Claim Listing ( Approval )
%website_name = the name used for your directory.
%website_url = the domain URL of your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
Campaign Activation ( ADMIN )
%author_name = the name of the business owner registered in your directory.
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
%campaign_packages = the campaign selected for the listing.
Campaign Activation( Author )
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
%campaign_packages = the campaign selected for the listing.
Recurring Payment Reminder Email
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%plan_title = the name of the plan used in the pricing plans.
%plan_price = the price of the plan used in the pricing plan.
%plan_duration = the duration time for the selected plan.
%notifybefore = the notification of the recurring payment reminder in day/days.
Subscription Cancel Email
no shortcode
Lead Form Email Template
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%sender_name = name of the lead who has contacted the listing owner.
%sender_email = name of the lead who has contacted the listing owner.
%sender_phone = the phone number of the lead who has contacted the listing owner.
%sender_message = the message that the lead has sent to the listing owner.
Reviews Email Templates
%listing_title = the business listing title registered in your directory.
%listing_url = the business listing URL registered in your directory.
%reviewtext = the review message sent in the listing page.
%reviewer_email = the user email that has sent the review message in the listing page.