Home Home Troubleshoot The Menu & Dashboard don’t appear in th....

It’s not an issue per se, and the solution to this purpose is really simple.

Simply go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Menu and create/add a new one where it says Mobile Menu

For this example, we’re going to create a new Menu.

Now, after clicking on the Create Menu Button, we can insert which page we’re going to show to our users in the Mobile.

The most important page that we surely want to add, is the Dashboard Page.

Let’s add the Dashboard Page and select the model of our Menu in the list where it says Mobile Menu

After creating and adding our Page, Let’s click on the Save Menu and see the result.

Ok, Here we can find our Menu… Let’s click on it and see if our Dashboard was added correctly.

Perfect! As you can see, the Dashboard Page was defined in the Menu, and the Mobile Menu works with a collapse model from Left to Right, giving us a better experience while using the Directory through the Smartphone.

This was just a simple example, but you can use your own module already created for the Mobile Menu. Simply select the model to apply your pages to the section and update it by clicking on the Save Menu Button.