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Some users may face issues while uploading image files to be shown on homepage and categories.

These errors may occur by the way you’ve saved the image file.

Go to your Media Library and check if the image size corresponds exactly as defined.

1 – Home Banner Image

The recommended image size for Home Banner Image is: 1600×1200

You can crop and scale the image the way you desire to, in case you need to give focus in some area of your image.

After uploading your image file, check if the image size corresponds the width and height as mentioned above.


The Banner Height was set as 610 by default. If you really know what you’re doing, you can change it the way you want to. We recommend that you leave this option set as default by 610. This way, you won’t suffer any malfunction at the responsiveness on mobile devices..

2 – Page header background image

The recommended image size for Page header background image is: 1500×300

You can still use the 1600×1200 though, and after uploading the image, you should go to your Media Library and edit your image size, cropping it, centralizing the detail that you want your image to appear, and set the Height as 300. Don’t worry if your image has the Width result as 1400, the important factor is the Height size of 300.


Width size less than 1300, will result in gaps between margins, left and right.

3 – Location Images

In case you want to add images for specific locations and show them on your homepage, the recommended size for Location Images is 800×600.


Higher pixels or Lowest ones, will make the image lose focus and will blur the image causing its distortions.

4 – Logo Images and Logo on header

The recommended size for logo icon is: 32×32, 64×64, 128×128

The recommended size for logo images on header is: 268×38


Logo sizes will differ depending on whether your logo has also texts. Some users may prefer to include only the logo itself without texts in it. You’ll most likely to test it and check which one will fit better for your purpose.