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This article contains everything you must know about listing Features and it’s broken down into the following topics.

  1. What is listing Features
  2. How and where the listing Features taxonomy is shown
  3. How to add listing Features (Only For Admins)
  4. How to assign Features to a Category (Only For Admins)
  5. Additional FAQs

1. What is listing Features

Listing Features is a Taxonomy. For directories and listing websites it is also known as listing Amenities.

2. How and where the listing Features taxonomy is shown

On the front-end, the Features taxonomy appears in three different places, the Listing Submission Page, Listing Details Page, and Listing Archive Page.

Listing Submission Page

In a front-end listing submission form when a user selects a category (example: Restaurant), a specific set of listing Features (amenities) associated with the category will be offered to the user to make a selection (example: Accepts Credit Cards, Bike Parking, Special, Street Parking, etc).

Listing FEATURES associated with a restaurant category shown on a front-end listing submission form.


Listing Details Page

On the listing details page, the FEATURES appear right below the description box with their respective icon if selected. This gives visitors an instant insight into the most valuable information about the business.

This is how FEATURES appears on the listing archive (search results) page.



Listing Archive (Search Results) Page

On the listing archive page, the Features appears right below the filter, once a category (example: Restaurant) is selected. This enhances the search result filtering capabilities by allowing users to select multiple features to narrow down the result.

This is how FEATURES appears on the listing archive (search results) page.


3. How to add listing Features (Only For Admins)

Features allow a business listing owner to present the core value of their business such as amenities or facilities. It unlocks a very powerful option that we will discuss below.

STEP 1: Login to the WordPress admin dashboard.

STEP 2: Go to Listings > Features

STEP 3: Enter a Name and Slug

STEP 4: Enter a Feature icon code (Example: fa-address-book).

Currently only FontAwesome icons are supported. A complete list of icon codes can be found here.


4. How to assign Features to a Category (Only For Admins)

Features can be very useful as you can assign a unique set of listing Features to each Primary or Sub-Category.

STEP 1: Go to Listings > Categories

STEP 2: Add select a category. (To add new category, See How to add a Categoriy?).

STEP 3: Select all the features associated with the category.

If no features are available to select from the drop-down, then you must first add new features as shown above.


5. Additional FAQs

Can I use features to search listings?

Listing Features (amenities) is actually a function of Advanced Filter and not the Search itself. When a user searches using the WHAT search field, the query does not run to lookup in listing Features. Only after the search is finished displaying the results on the archive page, users can further filter using listing Features to narrow the results by first selecting a category, and all the associated listing Features will be shown for the users to select.


What is the difference between listing Tags vs listing Features?

There are some misconceptions about the differences between tags and features. This is very common and in a summarized way, let’s cover the differences and how you can benefit from both of them in your directory.

Features are those that we really love in our directory. After creating our list of categories and subcategories, we’re more than ready to implement some interesting features that represent each of these categories to be shown on the submit listing page and on the listing details page.

Tags (Keywords), on the other hand, come to enhance the searchability to bring the matched words and relevant listings based on the typed words in the Search Bar.

These Tags/Keywords works as a benefit to improve search metrics and filter only the relevant listings in your directory. While used correctly, the flexibility available is indescribable.

Using Tags/Keywords can improve searches by features. So, only use the words that best emphasize your directory niche, the categories, the features within these categories. Choosing it wisely those words will impact positively more than 80% of the user flexibility in search results.
Using Features works in a different way, but users can still click on the specific Feature and the search result page will refresh based on the clicked Feature described in the Listing Detail Page. Also, Features can be selected to show relevant Listings including those specific Features requested by the user. Tags/Keywords can also have the same words as included for Features within categories and subcategories. Showing it wisely will increase the Search Type as well.