ENABLING IMPORTANT PAGES FOR THE CHECKOUT to enable correctly your payment checkout, simply go to the > > If you’re working with Free plans and Paid plans, please consider enabling the Paid Submission to “YES“. It will allow the user to click on the +Add Listing button and be redirected to the Pricing Plan Page. Search for […]
As we know, the Pricing Plans have already included a sort of defined features that you as admin has enabled in the Theme Options and others that’s defined during the creation of your Pricing Plans, according to your relevant strategies. But what if we want to write some strategic feature or enhance some premium features […]
Go to > > and disable the paid submission method adding NO With Paid Submission disabled, The button at the Homepage will be automatically redirected to the Submit Listing Page. By this way, you can focus only on Ad Campaigns and other methods to turn your directory profitable without subscription plans enabled.
These options will depend exclusively on your business purpose and business strategy. Also, you should remember that some options can be disabled through the Theme Options, e.g. price range, tag keywords. To enable or disable options for pricing plans, simply go to WordPress > > After selecting your options for each plan, the result will […]
This article contains everything you must know about the pricing plan feature and it’s broken down into the following topics. What are the Pricing Plans How to create a Pricing Plan How to choose different Pricing Plans styles How can a user change the Pricing Plan How can an admin change a Pricing Plan How […]