(Last Updated: August 17th, 2020) ListingPro 2.5 full translation is now available for many languages. Learn more
If your language is available, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Go to Github Localization Repository.
STEP 2: Click on Clone or Download button.
STEP 3: Click on Download ZIP
STEP 4: Unzip the file and only keep your language folder and delete the rest.
STEP 5: Upload (via cPanel or FTP) the .po and .mo files into the following folders respectively.
- /wp-content/themes/listingpro/languages
- /wp-content/plugins/listingpro-plugin/languages
When you unzip the file you will find all the languages. Select your language (Example: Spanish) and upload the .po and .mo files under the Themes folder to themes/listingpro/languages and the po and mo files under the Plugin folder to plugins/listingpro-plugin/languages
STEP 6: Go to Loco Translate > Themes and select your language.
STEP 7: Click Sync
STEP 8: Click Save
Repeat steps 6 to 8 for Plugins too.