How to setup Razorpay?

Razorpay is a premium payment gateway developed for ListingPro. To purchase go here.

How to Setup Razorpay

Part 1 – Downloading File

Follow the steps below once you have already purchased Razorpay from

STEP 1: On ListingProWP official website, go to My Account

STEP 2: Under My Account select the View Details and Downloads.

STEP 3: On the Purchase Confirmation page, scroll down towards the end.

STEP 4: Under Products click the file name to start downloading the plugin file.

Part 2 – Installing File

STEP 1:  First unzip the download file, example:

STEP 2:  Go to WordPress admin > Plugins

STEP 3: Click Add New, and then select Upload Plugin

STEP 4: Click Choose File and select the file from the local machine.

STEP 5: Click Install Now and then Activate Plugin


Part 3 – License Activation

STEP 1: When a notification bar shows on the top, click Activate 

A prompt to enter the purchase key will appear.

STEP 2:  Go to the Purchase Confirmation page as explained above in Part-1 Step 3.

STEP 3:  Copy the license key as shown below.

STEP 4: Paste the license key.

STEP 5: Click Activate

If the activation is successful the red notification box should now disappear.

Part 4 – Configuring Payment


STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Payments > General

STEP 2: Enable Paid Submission by selecting YES

STEP 3: Under Currency for Paid Submission select your currency: INR Only currency supported by Razorpay



Before proceeding signup for Razorpay Account, go here

STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Payments > Razorpay

STEP 2: Enable Razorpay by selecting Enabled

STEP 3: Under API TYPE select Live or Sandbox

STEP 4: Enter Razorpay Secret Key

STEP 5: Enter Razorpay Key ID

We high-recommended to first obtain and test with Sandbox. The API key is different for each mode (Sandbox/Live).



Theme Options Settings

STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Payments > General

STEP 2: Enable Recurring Payment by selecting YES

If you want this option to be enabled by default during checkout enable Auto Recurring Payment by selecting YES. The user will have the option to turn off the auto-recurring feature during checkout itself.

Pricing Plan Settings

STEP 1: Go to WordPress admin > Pricing Plans 

STEP 2: Add or Edit a Plan (Not Free)

STEP 3: Enable Razorpay Recurring Payment and select a Duration

STEP 4: Click Publish or Update to save the settings


Part 5 – Testing

Make sure you already have paid pricing plans. read more 

STEP 1: From front-end click Add Listing

STEP 2: Select a paid pricing plan.

STEP 3: Fill in the listing submission form.

STEP 4: Click Save & Preview

STEP 5: Click Pay & Publish

STEP 5: Click Pay & Publish

STEP 6: Select the listing and the Razorpay and click Proceed to Next

STEP 7:  Review the payment summary and click Proceed to Next again

STEP 8:  It will prompt you with Razorpay checkout, enter Phone number and click PROCEED

STEP 8:  Select Card or other options and follow the instructions to complete the order.

Once the payment is successful it should redirect you back to the thank you page on your website.


Frequently Ask Questions

What currencies are supported by Razorpay?

Razorpay only works with INR.

Why is the currency not being converted?

Razorpay does not provide a currency conversion service. This would need to be handled before the amount is sent to Razorpay.

How to setup PayFast?

PayFast is a premium payment gateway developed for ListingPro. To purchase go here.

How to Setup PayFast

Part 1 – Downloading File

Follow the steps below once you have already purchased PayFast from

STEP 1: On ListingProWP official website, go to My Account

STEP 2: Under My Account select the View Details and Downloads.

STEP 3: On the Purchase Confirmation page, scroll down towards the end.

STEP 4: Under Products click the file name to start downloading the plugin file.

Part 2 – Installing File

STEP 1:  First unzip the download file, example:

STEP 2:  Go to WordPress admin > Plugins

STEP 3: Click Add New, and then select Upload Plugin

STEP 4: Click Choose File and select the file from the local machine.

STEP 5: Click Install Now and then Activate Plugin


Part 3 – License Activation

STEP 1: When a notification bar shows on the top, click Activate 

A prompt to enter the purchase key will appear.

STEP 2:  Go to the Purchase Confirmation page as explained above in Part-1 Step 3.

STEP 3:  Copy the license key.

STEP 4: Paste the license key.

STEP 5: Click Activate

If the activation is successful the red notification should now disappear.

Part 4 – Configuring Payment


STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Payments > General

STEP 2: Enable Paid Submission by selecting YES

STEP 3: Under Currency for Paid Submission select your currency: ZAR (Only currency supported by PayFast)



Before proceeding signup for PayFast Account, go here

STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Payments > PayFast

STEP 2: Enable PayFast by selecting Enabled

STEP 3: Under API TYPE select Live or Sandbox

STEP 4: Enter PayFast Merchant ID

STEP 5: Enter PayFast Merchant Key

STEP 6: Enter PayFast Passphrase

We high-recommended to first obtain and test with Sandbox. The API key is different for each mode (Sandbox/Live).



Theme Options Settings

STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Payments > General

STEP 2: Enable Recurring Payment by selecting YES

If you want this option to be enabled by default during checkout enable Auto Recurring Payment by selecting YES. The user will have the option to turn off the auto-recurring feature during checkout itself.

Pricing Plan Settings

STEP 1: Go to WordPress admin > Pricing Plans 

STEP 2: Add or Edit a Plan (Not Free)

STEP 3: Enable Payfast Recurring Payment and select a Duration

STEP 4: Click Publish or Update to save the settings


Part 5 – Testing

Make sure you already have paid pricing plans. read more 

STEP 1: From front-end click Add Listing

STEP 2: Select a paid pricing plan.

STEP 3: Fill in the listing submission form.

STEP 4: Click Save & Preview

STEP 5: Click Pay & Publish

STEP 5: Click Pay & Publish

STEP 6: Select the listing and the PayFast and click Proceed to Next

STEP 7:  Review the payment summary and click Proceed to Next again

STEP 8:  It will redirect you to a secure PayFast checkout page, select VISA or other option

STEP 8:  Enter the payment details and click pay.

Once the payment is successful it should redirect you back to the thank you page on your website.


Frequently Ask Questions

What currencies are supported by PayFast?

PayFast only works with ZAR.

Does PayFast support recurring (subscription) feature?


How does ListingPro Advanced Search Filter Work?

This article only talks about our Advanced Search Filter, if you are looking to learn more about how our Search works please go here

There are THREE different options to filter and narrow search results that appear on the archive page.

  1. Primary Filter Options (Theme Options)
  2. Secondary Filter Options (Listing Features)
  3. Additional Filter Options (Custom Form Fields)
  4. How Does Near Me Filter Works

1. Primary Filter Options (Theme Options)

The primary filter options are displayed by default without selecting a category. These options can be enabled or disabled from Theme options.


Go to Theme Options > Advanced Filter and Enable or Disable from the available options.


2. Secondary Filter Options (Listing Features)

The secondary filter option is Listing Features (Amenities) which are displayed when a category or sub-category is selected. All the Listing Features associated with a category or sub-category are shown in the filter.

For more information read What are Listing Features? 

3. Additional Filter Options (Custom Form Fields)

The third filter option is Additional Filter Options (Custom Form Fields) which can show with or without a category is selected. When creating a Custom field you may choose to associate it with a category or not. You may also choose to show in the custom field in the filter or not.


Adding custom fields to Search filter

STEP 1: Go to Theme Options > Advanced Filter and enable Additional Filter options


STEP 2: Go to Listings > Form Fields

STEP 3: Click Add New Field and enter a title (Example: Parking).

STEP 4: Select a Field Type (All fields types show in search filter except for Text field type)

Select Exclusive from Categories if you want this custom field as global and not associated with specific category. 

STEP 5:  Select all categories that apply.

STEP 6:  Under Show in Filter, Select Yes and click Publish

If you do not select YES, the custom field will only appear in the front-end listing form submission and the output will be displayed on the listing details page. 

4. How Does Near Me Filter Works

Near Me Feature Theme Option Setting (Back-end)

Near Me Feature in Action (Front-end)

Near Me is a search filter which is available in the search filter page. Near Me Works with GEO IP location and get the nearest locations dynamically based on the current location.

How to Enable Near Me

By default, Near Me filter option is disabled. To activate see steps below:

Step 1: Go to Theme Options > Search Filter Options

Step 2: Find the Near Me option and click on Enabled

Step 2: Click Save Changes

Near Me Options

In the Near Me options page there are 4 options available to configure.

Near me

This option is available to enable or disable Near Me option. Once enabled Near Me filter will be displayed in the search filter page. If you disable the toggle Near me will be hidden from the search filter page.

Destination In

Under the Destination In option, there are two options available. (Kilometers/Miles). You can set your preferred method how you want to filter search results. If you want to allow listing filters by Kilometers then choose Kilometers. If you want to allow listing filters by Miles then choose Miles.

Min Range

You can set the minimum range (Numerical Value) for the Min Range field as a minimum filter range. For example, if you set 5 with Destination In (Kilometers) then visitors will be only able to filter listings starting from 5 kilometers to Max range.

Max Range

You can set the maximum range (Numerical Value) for the Max Range field as a maximum filter range. For example, if you set 1000 with Destination In (Kilometers) then visitors will be only able to filter listings up to 1000 kilometers range.

How Does Near Me Work on the Frontend

When you click on the Near Me option in the frontend it will ask your location. Click to allow for analyzing your location. After allowing location you can easily filter listings based in the minimum and maximum range (As per the configuration defined in the backend).


To fully work with Near me and Nearby, it’s necessary that your directory is already running with SSL enabled and all URL paths were converted to HTTPS. For more details, please read the related article below.

Unable to activate license

We have recently updated our Activation process and we have seen some common scenarios where users are unable to activate ListingPro license.



I installed the ListingPro theme and tried to activate it using the activation code. But once I enter the purchase code, and select (Live or Test site), the Activate button does not enable and stays grayed out. It also says the code is invalid.


It’s just the SSL configurations issue due to which ListingPro CC (Command Center) styling CSS files are not loading. You need to install an SSL plugin (Really Simple SSL) on your site to resolve this issue.

The ListingPro CC should look like the following if the CSS style file is loading correctly.




I update the theme to the new version. But when I enter the Purchase Code, it says my purchase code is invalid.


The “purchase code is invalid” error usually occurs when you just update the ListingPro theme only. You must always also update all the ListingPro plugins when you update the Theme. For instructions on how to update the ListingPro Plugins and the Theme please read this article.

When I bulk import Google Addresses, the Map does not display?


ListingProWP uses the reverse geocoding technique in our theme that when you import listing with accurate and exact Google addresses, you are not required to include the latitudes and the longitudes. But after importing the data you need to visit the archive page to allow the system to automatically get the latitude and longitude for that address. Then only the maps will show properly.

If the google geocoding service is not getting lat and long from the Google address it means the function file_get_content is not working on your site due to which it does not get latitude and longitude of Google address. Contact and verify with your hosting company if file_get_content is enabled on your server. If this function is not enabled then the Lat/Long will not work.

For shared hosting users

Due to Google maps and geocoding APIs have a specific number of requests limit per day/per second and per IP address for Free, shared hosting users will also run into an issue because shared hostings only have a single IP address that is shared with multiple users and due to which Google Maps APIs will reach its limits very quick. It’s a common issue and has been discussed on many forums that people with shared hostings have issues with geocoding.

Alternate for batch GeoCoding

Only for those users who are using shared hosting or have hit a Google API limit, you can opt for other external services. Google for “batch geocode” and you may find free and paid services.

How to change ListingPro default contact form to WPForms


We have successfully tested both WPForms Lite and WPForms Pro version with ListingPro.

We recommend using WPForms Lite or WPForms Pro version if you are getting a lot of spam through your contact form or you would like to completely customize your contact us form.

Please follow the instructions below

STEP 1: Install and activate WPForms Lite or Pro

STEP 2: Click Create Your First Form

STEP 3: Give it a name (example: Contact Form) and then click Create a Simple Contact Form.


STEP 4: Make any changes to the simple contact form and click SAVE


STEP 5: Verify changes and click EMBED


STEP 6: copy the SHORTCODE.


STEP 7: Close and go back to WP Admin

STEP 8: Go to Theme Options > Contact Page

STEP 9: Under Contact Page select Form


STEP 10: Under Contact Page Provider select WPForms Lite 


STEP 11: Paste the SHORTCODE copied in STEP 6 from WPForm

STEP 11: Click Save Changes 

STEP 11: Click Save Changes and now check your new contact us form on the frontend.

Enjoy! You are all set.